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Health Tip Recap #14 - July 2024

Thus far, Summer 2024 has been a fascinating season for a couple of reasons. Firstly, for Texans specifically, it's been especially rainy, sometimes bringing complete and sporadic downpours that have resulted in flooding, and power outages in various towns and suburbs; tornadic activity and a barreling hurricane have presented high winds and more, making people dart toward shelter. But this deluge of water and the complications that attend such severe weather has been well contrasted by the arrival of the Olympics. This is when the world comes together to professionally compete on the national stage. The athletes, from innumerable nations and all types of backgrounds, demonstrate their very best, together. July 2024's Health Tip Wednesday are reflective of the varied nature of the month, discussing physical activity, weather, and beyond.


A Promise Kept: Climbing to the Mount Kilimanjaro Summit

The distance is done. Powerful winds roll to the southeast, brushing past and enveloping you at once. Despite this, you remain steady and firmly planted to the point you’ve attained. The rocky and icy ground at your booted feet, terrain once rugged as it is treacherous, now feels almost smooth underneath, welcoming in a way, as if you’ve been expected for some time. A sundry of feelings lightly settles over you, like a warm blanket to counteract the unusually cold air. It is here that intense exhilaration is met with unprecedented calm and more, all tirelessly earned over the course of many days.


Forward, Still: Ruminating on Grief and Loss

It’s the socks. They’re unmissable even in this setting, a faux pas that should be called out here and now. Bright and swimming with a medley of colors that takes squinting to identify, echoing the tie-dye t-shirts so popular decades ago. Except this exact clothing has no apparent order to its look-at-me visage; it’s all entropy and devoid of style, dominated by something approaching pink and turquoise. And oh my, is that actually burnt orange? With each passing second, my shock mounts with intensity, while the wearer of said socks, a tall and lanky man, quietly coughs and moves his fist to his mouth, before lowering his hand and falling silent again, gazing forward like everyone else in the immediate radius...

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Health Tip Wednesday Recap #12 - May 2024

Departing from routine and what you already know to become more acquainted with the unfamiliar. That is the primary theme found in this month's Health Tip Wednesday posts for May 2024. Through creativity and communication, we can potentially move through our days with a little more happiness and understanding. There is a lot that can come from exploration, it is simply a matter of starting the search, as you consider the following...

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Yoga 5 by 5: Potential Benefits and Basic Poses

We're all stories. These personal sagas assembled over time. There’s the childhood that seems endless. Followed by an adulthood that feels ridiculously rushed, yet glorious just the same. But throughout everything, sleek and topsy-turvy scenes alike, there are two constants: the mind and the body. Enter yoga, a resource that can bare great value when used to align both constants, strike balance, and regain control we either lack or misplaced.

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Plant Cultivation 5 by 5: Potential Benefits and Plants That Can Support Wellness

Once again, the scent of spring is in the air! Or is that simply pollen floating its way around, spurring us toward a dramatic sneeze? In either case, though it’s already past the halfway mark, April is still National Garden Month, acting as a springboard to revive or create a unique arrangement of plants and flowers, one that might withstand the medley of weather the coming months bring. Check out the first entry in the '5 by 5' blog series!

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Health Tip Recap #10 - March 2024

March 2024 saw the finale of a chilly winter, amid signs of a softer, warmer season developing. This batch of health tips weaves its way through our precious hours before concluding with methods for helping make powerful pollen and other environs a little less miserable. All of these ideas and suggestions are meant to support a sharpening of focus on a natural wellness that promotes happiness and productivity.